Help Us Feed the Children
Many of you reading this, like me, have children or are close to children who are school-age. We worry about their well-being, education and nutrition, especially as we send them off to school. We entrust them to the school systems and pray they are in good hands.
Well they are sometimes not when it comes to nutrition. Provisions for children who cannot afford lunch—or even for kids that forget their lunch—vary by school district. In my school district, children who forget their lunch, or simply do not have money in their lunch accounts to buy lunch, are offered a peanut butter sandwich. Guess what—both of my girls are allergic to peanuts! In some school districts, lunch is provided and kids rack up debt that must be paid back. In other school districts, no lunch is provided at all for kids who fall between the cracks, and they just go hungry.
Let’s talk about children less-fortunate who cannot afford lunch and are not eligible for any type of state- or federally-funded programs. Borderless Charity, Inc, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Washington, NC, did some independent research to determine how we can help and want to share some of our findings.
“I just talked to one school in North Carolina and their lunch debt was $3000,” said Michele Grazier, Borderless Charity Special Events Coordinator.” The problem is that until these lunch debts are paid, kids can’t play sports, go to prom, or even graduate.”
This is just one example of a need that we can meet as we send our children back to school. We are on a mission to feed kids and pay back these debts, one child and one school at a time. Won’t you jump on the back-to-school bandwagon with us? There are many ways to donate. Find out how by visiting our website: Follow us on Facebook at
Providing supplies is just one example of a need that we can meet as we send our children back to school. We are on a mission to stock as many schools with supplies as we can, one classroom and one school at a time. Won’t you jump on the back-to-school bandwagon with us? There are many ways to donate. Find out how by visiting our website: Follow us on Facebook at
Read more about the courageous Oklahoma teacher who panhandled her way to stocking her classroom for success here:
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